09 May 2009

The best pictures from Poland

The best photographic technique:

"A little sweet flower" (author - Julita Bucław)

"Duchess Sułkowska's Park" (Jędrzej Waberski)

The most creative picture:

"A glade in night" (Jędrzej Kaczmarek)

"View from viaduct Łęcki" (Jędrzej Waberski)

Architecture or monuments:

"Gimnazjum imienia doktora Władysława Brzezińskiego w Krajence" (Jędrzej Waberski)

"Saint's Joseph church in Krajenka" (Jędrzej Waberski)

Landscape or natural environment:

"Mysterious bridge" (Michalina Witkowska)

"Głomia river" (Jędrzej Waberski)

The best reflection of urban atmosphere:

Unfortunately, there are no pictures that make such requirements.

1 comment:

  1. Your photographies are really creatives. We have enjoyed seeing it.
