24 March 2010



To create a common quiz to be performed online, which includes general questions about important issues that have to do with our nations.


1. Pupils will prepare information on what they think it is important to their nation.

2. Each school will prepare a total of 25 questions.

3. The questions will be written following the enclosed patterns. There are two possibilities:

a. Multiple choice

b. Short answer

4. Some questions could include images (not more than 8 images per school).

5. Each school will send their questions by mail to the coordinating school.

6. The coordinating school will create a common quiz using “HOT POTATOES” computer program.

7. The quiz will be posted online.

8. The quiz will work in a randomized way and each game will consist of answering 20 questions (the total number of included questions will be 150). Students will know their mark immediately.

9. In order to improve students’ learning process, it is important to prepare a feedback for the failed answers carefully.


· Languages: basic vocabulary, greetings, idiomatic expressions in our language.

· Geography

· Celebrities

· Tourism

· Others (currency, flag, official languages...)


· 30th April. Each school will send their questions to the coordinating school.

· 30th May. The coordinating school will post the quiz online.


E-MAIL EXCHANGE. We agreed to continue with the same structure suggested in Duisburg:
o Each participating school, by turns, will suggest a topic.
o Students will write an e-mail and send it to all colleagues according to the grid.
• In order to improve e-mail exchange, teachers will encourage their students writing e-mails.

• School activities, such us the PLEDGE, will be posted onto the blog to guarantee their diffusion to all students.

• A QUIZ including questions from all participating countries will be done using Hot Potatoes computer program. More detailed instructions of this activity will be posted onto the common blog by the coordinating school.

• The final Comenius activity consist of reaching conclusions. Each school will perform this activity in a free way. In order to share conclusions they will be posted onto the common blog before the 31st May.

18 March 2010

Castro Daire meeting

We would like to thank the coordinating school and congratulate them for they wonderful organisation and the time spent during the meeting in Castro Daire.

16 March 2010

Email exchange / Easter traditions

Dear all,
since spring seems to finally arrive even here in the north and Easter is approaching, we suggest the following topics for your email exchange:
- Are there any Easter holidays in your country?
- What do you in your country traditionally do on Good Friday and/or on Easter Day?
- Do you know anything about the roots of these traditions?
- Do you have anything special to eat at Easter?
- Do you and your family still celebrate Easter traditionally or do you just enjoy the few days off?
Greetings from the German team!

04 March 2010


10th-14th March 2010


1. General ideas about the development of the project.

2. Presentation and exchange of the activities:
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom
3. Evaluation of the project (1st part)
  • Collection of the evaluation sheets.
3. Evaluation of the project (2nd part)
  • Problems to be solved
4. Sharing and publicising the pledge develop to preserve national heritage.

5. Design of the third term activity: Quiz.

6. Conclusions and end of the project.

02 March 2010

Students mails

New calendar for the students e-mail exchange:

15th March GERMANY
19th April GREECE
3rd May POLAND