When you started the project, the aims of the project were:- To create opportunities for young people to work together across cultures in Europe
- To create opportunities for all schools to develop their understanding of the diversity of European cultures
- To encourage young people to become active European citizens
- To help young people in their personal development, ie character building
- To improve knowledge and the use of English
- To improve the ICT competence.
Activities you did during the project:
- Christmas magazine
- Email exchange
- Tourist guide
- Comenius Pledge
- Quiz
What conclusion did you reach at the end of the project?
- It brings us a new way to see the European countries. We realize that the stereotypes don't fit the reality.
- We could get to know each other through photography.
- Through the Tourist guide we could know our country better and the most important aspects of the other countries. Now we all know about each other.
- Through the Comenius Pledge we learned many things about our city and we learned to respect our monuments more.
- English is very important to communicate with one another.
- In some European countries where they can not speak their own language outside of their country, they need to learn more foreign languages, such as English. Germany and Poland are contries that need it, so their level of English is higher. On the other hand, Spain and Portugal have a similar level.
- The work is very rewarding, for example in the case of the Comenius Pledge, that at the end we could prepare an exhibition in Masia Freixa
- We learned to communicate by writing more fluently in a foreign language.
- We realized the importance of learning English.
- We learned some things about hte other participating countries, such as the way of working or their roots.
- We share many aspects with people from other countries with the same age. We are not so different.
- We learned to adapt to each other in spite of the differencies.
Write the positive aspects of the project:
- We learned to write English better.
- We had the opportunity to know different things about other countries.
- We learned a lot of things from the different conferences.
- Using new technologies has been very interesting because we learned new things and we could put in practice lots of things that we already knew.
- Working with new technologies is very motivating.
- We learned to respect the monuments of our city.
- We got to know our neighbourhoods better.
- It's very interesting to participate in active works.
- The work dedication by everybody.
What would you like to add or change?
- We'd like to change the way to prepare the emails. We haven't received many emails from other countries.
- We'd like to have an exchange with the students we worked with.
- At the beginning we were very thrilled, but at the end it has been very disappointing because the email exchange between the different schools didn't work properly.
- We'd like to have a more global view of the project.