Theme: “My city, my region, my environment”.
- The competition is open to all students participating in the Comenius project.
- Deadline for receiving entries is 30th April 2009.
- The pictures must have been taken in the local area by the person participating in the competition.
- Pictures should be between 1MB and 4MB (1200x900 pixels to 2300x1700 pixels) and must be submitted as a file in JPEG format.
- Each picture must have a title and location and may include an optional description.
- Participants give permission to school to use the image on the Comenius blog and agree that it can be printed and used in a public exhibition.
- If you take pictures of children (aged under 16) you must have written permission from their parents. This written permission must then be sent in with the photographs.
- Students will act as judges to select the best 10 photos on the following categories (2 pictures for each category):
- The best photographic technique.
- The most creative picture.
- The best reflection of urban atmosphere.
- Architecture or monuments.
- Landscape or natural environment.
• Deadline for receiving entries is 30th April 2009.
• Selected photos will be hanged onto the Comenius Blog (deadline, 15th May 2009).
• Each school will prepare an international exhibition including the best entries of each country (total 60 pictures). If possible, this exhibition will be shown out of the school (local library, town hall…).
• Students will act as judges to select the best pictures of the international exhibition. It is not allowed to vote for the pictures of the own country.
• The decision of judges from each country will be sent to the coordinating school and put together in order to know the first, second and third awards for each category (total 15 awards) (deadline, 5th June 2009).
• Awards will be posted onto the blog.
• Coordinating school will prepare diplomas and sent them to the winners (June 2009).
• Coordinating school will prepare the edition of an album including all the photos of the international exhibition (July 2009).